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Take 10 minutes to apply to one of our 60+ undergrad certificates, associate degrees, and bachelor's degrees. No writing or references needed!
Apply Now for an undergraduate program
Admissions replied instantly. Right away, I was connected with a math advisor. Everyone was excited to talk with me. All my questions were answered.
Allison Perry IU Online Student
Streamlined Application
Apply online by selecting a program and answering a few questions for a quick, hassle-free admission process at your fingertips. No SAT/ACT required.
Transcript Ease
Send transcripts or opt for our transcription service, allowing us to handle it all and simplify your application process.
Speedy Admission
We’ll swiftly assess your application and process your admission decision at your home campus, ensuring a seamless start to your educational journey.
Application Status
We’ll promptly share your admission decision with details on credit transfers if applicable, keeping you informed every step of the way.
Seamless Onboarding
After admission, easily register for courses and access valuable resources, such as financial aid experts and onboarding staff.

Take the next steps in your career by pursuing one of our 130+ grad certificates, master's degrees, or doctoral degrees.
Get Started
IU’s response times beat other schools. I was happy with the application and admissions process, and with the follow-up I received when I called for more information.
Jordan Norwood IU Online Student
Streamlined Inquiry
Complete an interest form by choosing a program and answering some questions. We’ll reach out with an email invitation to initiate your application process.
Simplified Application
Easily submit your application online. Some programs may request additional materials.
Transcripts and Other Materials
Easily submit transcripts or opt for our transcript service during your application process, ensuring all program-required materials are included. Some programs will request GMAT/GRE, recommendations, and/or a personal statement for a comprehensive evaluation.
Fast Admissions
We’ll expedite application reviews, communicate our admission decision, and process admission at your home campus for a streamlined enrollment experience.
Seamless Onboarding
After admission, easily register for courses and access a wealth of resources, including financial aid experts and onboarding staff.
Find the answers you need or start your application. We’re here to help!