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Public Health, Global Health Leadership, Dr.P.H.

Become an innovative leader who can address complex public health problems with IU Online’s Doctor of Public Health in Global Health Leadership. With its global curriculum, global faculty, and global network, this program will heighten your ability to impact the health of populations anywhere in the world.

A healthcare professional makes notes on a document while colleagues gather around.

Course Delivery: 80-99% Online

Total Credits: 45

In-State Tuition Per Credit: $750.00

Out-of-State Tuition Per Credit: $1500.00

Cost of attendance may vary by campus. View the total cost calculator

Panelists have a discussion at a rural health conference.

Degree Overview

The IU Online Doctor of Public Health in Global Health Leadership is a three-year, cohort-based distance education program. It leverages relationships with international schools and programs and includes opportunities to collaborate with faculty and scholars around the world.

As a student in the program, you'll take classes via real-time video, meet your classmates face to face three times a year in years 1 and 2, and complete your dissertation or a field-based project in year 3. You’ll cultivate leadership skills through diverse experiences and exposure to a wide range of perspectives. You’ll learn experientially through highly interactive debates and discussions.

You’ll graduate with an Indiana University degree respected by employers worldwide—and you can work on yours anytime and anywhere. Plus, you’ll enjoy personalized support services throughout your academic journey.

And the benefits start long before graduation. More than half of IU Online students advance in their careers before they complete their degree.

To be accepted to this program, you must have:
  • Master's degree or doctorate
  • 3.0 GPA or above on a 4.0 scale
To apply to this program:

Complete an online application that includes:

  • Transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of purpose and objectives
  • Resume 

All finalists for admission to the Dr.P.H. will be interviewed at a distance by representatives of the admissions committee. 

The IU Online Doctor Program in Global Health Leadership prepares you for top positions in government agencies, foundations, non-governmental organizations, not-for-profit or for-profit organizations, and health ministries, including positions such as:

  • Chief executive officer 
  • President
  • Agency commissioner/secretary
  • Executive director

To graduate with the Dr.P.H. in Global Health Leadership, you must complete 45 credit hours.

Requirements are broken down as follows:

  • Leadership courses (15 credit hours) 
  • Public health courses (7 credit hours) 
  • Research courses (14 credit hours)
  • Dissertation or a field-based, culminating project (9 credit hours)

Core Classes for the DrPH in Global Health Leadership
Course Number Course Name Credits
PBHL-H 755 Organizational Leadership Theory and Practice 2 Credits
PBHL-H 756 Leadership in Global Health Law and Ethics 2 Credits
PBHL-H 757 A Population Perspective for Global Health 1 Credit
PBHL-H 758 Initiating the Research Process 1 Credit
PBHL-H 759 Leadership in Global Health Systems 2 Credits
PBHL-H 760 Essentials of Practice-Based Research 2 Credits
PBHL-H 761 Literature Review & Appraisal 2 Credits
PBHL-H 762 The Science of Global Health Implementation 2 Credits
PBHL-H 763 Leadership Challenges in Global Health Informatics 2 Credits
PBHL-A 765 Financing Global Health 3 Credits
PBHL-H 766 Fundamentals of Research Analysis 3 Credits
PBHL-H 767 Executive Communication for Global Health Leaders 2 Credits
PBHL-H 768 Global Health Policy Analysis and Advocacy 2 Credits
PBHL-H 769 Strategic Theory and Practice in Global Health Leadership 2 Credits
PBHL-A 770 Marketing and Public Relations for Global Health Leaders 2 Credits
PBHL-A 771 Program Evaluation for Global Health Leaders 2 Credits
PBHL-A 777 Dissertation or Field Project Preparation and Planning 1 Credit
PBHL-A 778 Dissertation or Field Project Preparation and Planning II 1 Credit
PBHL-A 805 Doctoral Dissertation or Field Project 3 Credits

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